Why Lawyers And Judges Always Wear Black Coat Know The Reason Here

Why Lawyers And Judges Always Wear Black Coat Know The Reason Here

Lawyer Black Coat: You must have seen that lawyers do arguments wearing black coats, not only arguments but they also sit in their offices wearing black coats. After all, why do lawyers wear this color and when did this trend start? Through this article of ours, we will tell you about it. You will be surprised to know that earlier lawyers or judges did not wear black dress. Its trend is related to a special event in history. Let’s know…

Advocacy started in 1327
Advocacy was started by Edward III in the year 1327. Then the costumes of the judges were prepared on the basis of the dress code. Then the judges used to wear a hairy wig on their heads. In the early days of advocacy, the lawyers were divided into four parts student (student), pleader (lawyer), bencher and barrister and all of them used to welcome the judge.

costume changes
Then a gown made of golden red cloth and brown was worn in the court. Later in the year 1600 there was a change in the costumes of the lawyers and in the year 1637 it was proposed that the council should wear clothes according to the public. After which the lawyers started wearing long gowns. It is believed that at that time such costumes used to make judges and lawyers different from other common people.

How did black clothes start?
Britain’s Queen Mary died of smallpox in 1694, after which her husband King Williams ordered all judges and lawyers to gather in black gowns to publicly mourn. This order was never revoked and since then till today the practice is that lawyers wear black gowns.

In today’s time, black coat has become the identity of lawyers. Under the Act 1961, it was made mandatory to wear black coat with white band tie in the courts. It is believed that black coat and white shirt brings discipline among lawyers and maintains faith in justice.

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